This week was super fast! also i amgoing to apologize in advance, this keyboard is terrible, worst oneive used, the space bar doesnt work too good. but this is my week!
Monday: finished Pday and we gopt a call fromsalt lake about a chinese family in our area that doesnt know spanish or english, so we would be able to teach them through skype with a translator in salt lake!
Tusday; We had district meeting, we ate lunch in a hotel because oneof our ward members owns a hotel. some of our good investigators finally came home. and that night we were able to teachan inactive lady. she said she doesnt believe that god loves her. that was powerful forme, i have never realized howmuchgod lovesme,or howmuchi love him, until i have met someone who doesnt believe it! it was super sad!
Wdnesday: we had a super busy day,.we have a lot more investigators now and were super blessed this week. we did a bunch of walking to a bunch of appopintments and found some good investigators.
Thursday: We were able to teach some less actives who have a less active daughter,we think next transfer we willbe able to baptize a lot, we hve 6 people preparing forbaptisms. we have a family home evening that nbight and found some more good people, and we raced home and made it rightontime, we were super far away!!
Friday: Friday wassuper hot then got pretty cold that night. we wokeup that morning and we were robbed of our gas, it was brand new, i was trying to shower in the morning, but the water was reezing cold, we checked our tank.and itwas gone!!! We had lunch with an hermana that can speak english which was cool, we were able to teach a pastor that night,and he usedto bethe equivilent of an area 70 for the evangelical church, so hes a big deal andhes agoodfriend of ours.
Saturday: Wewoke up so coldin the night, the tops of our blankets and pillows were wet! wewentto afamilieshouse and that played a lot of english music and we played some chileans games, we werent supposed to,but the elders they hadbefore werent good,we were trying to ease themback down. a lot of our plans ended up falling cause of it.
Sunday:We had church, mycompanion was talking to a nonmember family, and this drunk guy alked up to us in church. my companion told m to take him away, soi wasstuck tryingtotalkto a drunk guy inspanihs, most of thetime i didnt even say anything cause i didnt understand. wedidlotsof walking thatday. andi finally stepped in dog poop... i knew it wascoming everyone always does.
All inall it was a good week!
Were about to go buy someswods that aremadeof swordfish, soi will sendpictures next week!
i also have a pic attthed of french fries, and a videoof our area!
Have a goodweek!
Elder Severtson!
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