well okay this was a good week,
its been raining and windy almost everyday, so im kinda getting used ot it.
well heres me week:
Tuesday: today was a sunny day, we were in the church for somereason, i dont remember, and some random guy came in and we gave him a tour, he seems pretty cool. i got a bunch of compliments on my spnishagain, the members said they can defienetly see the gift of tongues working with me which is awesome! we taught a lesson to the people ai first taught when i got here, and they remembered it!! they remembered what i said which made me pretty happy.
Wednesday: today was pretty cool, i was studying in the morning, and preyed for something that can change me. i flipped open and i saw one highlight. it was luke 1:37. and i needed to hear that at that time, so that was cool! we had a change of rules at zone conference. the mission president really trusts us, we can email at the same time, we have a bigger variety of music, we can drink mate in the house, and just a bunch of other stuff!
Thursday: today was a kind of normal day, but at the end of the day my comp bought me a pizza! he just likes to spend a lot of money, so always just buys stuff, which is pretty cool i guess, its okay with me.
Friday: we clenaned and prganized our house a bit, then that night my comp bought me french fries. hes a pretty cool comp.
Saturday: we had a Noche de Hogar (family home evening) and we were gonna show meet the mormons in spanish since i have it. but i found my disc and it was broken in half. luckily my comp had it on his flash drive! then the noche de hogar turned out great! it was a good experience! and the spirit was strong!!
Sunday: Today was a time change, so we had to wake up an hour early. and because of the time change not a lot of people came to church. barely any of our investigators came. then in the morning was really windy and rainy. which i dont write bout the weather much cause its kinda normal for wind and rain now...
Today: we went to lebu again this morning cause it was my zone leaders bday, so we played soccer and ate cake, then back here to CaƱete!
well it was a good week!!
Have a good week everyone!
Elder Severtson!
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