Well heres my week!:
Tuesday: we had to wake up at 4:30 to be able to catch my bus on time. so we had to take all my suitcases to the bus stop and wait for the bus. we arrived in concepcion and were there for a half hour. then we went to temuco. which was like 4.5 hours away. then in the terminal in temuco, i ran into my trainer there, so we took a pic. then we went to the house, i unpacked a bit, then we left to teach a very humble family. then that night we bought pizza, american pizza, cause i arrived there.
Wednesday: District meeting, my comp is district leader. we had a suprise intercambio, i went to the sector called lautaro, with elder guedes from brazil. and hes a young misisonary, and has a bunch of energy, hes a bit crazy.. haha. we walked A LOT!! it was crazy how much we walked... and it way WAY HOT!! i heard that this city gets way hot... lucky me! haha
Thursday: ended intercambio, and did planeamiento semanal. we went to lunch, and we finished, my comp went to get toilet paper from the bathroom to use as a napkin(i dont remember why). but he called me over and told me to look in the toilet. i looked, and his plack fell in the toilet!! haha it was so funny, his plack is breaking, so it desnt stay on super good. this day was another very hot day. we met with one of my comps recent converts who is super cool, and hes a mason...
Friday: we did a grand intercambio, white wash. thats where they send 2 random missionaries from the zone to a random location. and we work there for a day. i was with elder vargas, from santiago. we ended up contacting all day, and it was a small hard sector.
Saturday: we ended the grand intercambio, and had french tast that the zone leaders made, then we did practices.. we were walking down the street and my comp said we need to knock thisdoor, so we knocked it and its a long story but her friend just showed up who is a member, so we got in. and it was way cool.
Sunday: we had church, i had to go up and introduce myself. and there was an hermano wo was sitting behind me and he was speaking to me in english which was cool. we had a huge good lunch, welcome to the big city! haha. we were walking home and thi s random guy stopped me with perfect english. he used to live in new york and left cause thisngs are getting crazy in the states. and he started making upp all this random stuff about the states and how bad it it. then he kinda just left us. it was way weird, i think he might have just fled the states cause he was a criminal or something, but i have no idea. then we also went to a house of the old mission presidents of the osorno chile misison. they are inactive.. ugh.. but that was pretty cool..
well thats my week! happy halloween!! haha we dont celebrate halloween here, some people do, but not much!

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