Well heres the stuff we did:
Tuesday: we had district meeting, i ended up doing another intercambio, this time with elder buglioni, from chile from viƱa del mar. it was pretty cool, we just contacted all day, then we did a cool language study at the end of the day.
Wednesday: ended the intercambio, lunch, planning, a normal day, until that night. we had a noche de hogar, or fhe. and it was great!! we had 2 investigators come, and they loved it! they want to come to church but couldnt. we also contacted a taxi guy on the way home, that was pretty interested. but doesnt live in out sector, but was cool.
Thursday: We did weekly planning. then we went to lunch. theres an hermana that makes us lunch, were grateful that she gives us lunch. but her lunches are kinda lame... she gave us a small container of rice, with 4 hot dogs. just the sausage part.. like i said, were grateful, but its weird. then we planned, english classes, and then had a lesson that night.
Friday: we did puertas abiertas, or church tours. we found that guy form london again, which was pretty cool, then there were some members who brought investigators to play basketball at the church, sp we decided to go. and oh my... am i out of shape with basketball. i was soo bad! haha..
Saturday: good day, but not much happened. we had some investigators come to play soccer, but we didnt have members come, so we waited for awhile, then just ended up leaving. so that turned out not as we ecpected!
Sunday: another day of mirales! i love the gospel!! the miracle that came last week brought her mom, who hasnt come in like 15 years. and she even brought friends who arent members. and they all loved it!! it was so cool, we had a big ward yesterday, and we only had like 63 people. so thats big for here! haha. then we had completos for lunch, theyre really growing on me. chilean food is getting better. then we had a lesson with a testigo de jehova. or a jehovahs witness. and that was weird. we contacted him a few weeks ago, and wanted to have a nice little chat with him and ask what they believe, because im ignorant about that church. so it started nice and all. then he brought out all these stupid questions about doctrine that wasnt even ours. and why we believe these kinda of things. and just trying to prove us wrong. i was not ready for that. but it ended kinda rough and we ended up just leaving.. so it wasnt a great experience. and it really just strengthened my testimony about the scriptures. because the scriptures testify of people like that.
Today: we played soccer this morning. and my skills i had as a young kid came back to me, i was playing pretty good, scored a few goals.. it was crazy!
but yeah we had a great week!
sorry no pics this week!
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