but anyways... heres my week:
Tuesday: we had district meeting, mission correlation, nothing too exciting...
Wednesday: we went with an hermana from the ward, she brought us to her friends house, and we were able to teach her, we had a good lesson!! we felt the spirit so strong! but she couldnt come to church cause of fathers day... boo...
Thursday: we has a multi zone conference again, and so that was awesome, i got to see a bunch of old friends.. and even 5 of my 6 companions!! soo that was fun!! we also took a generation pic, me and my trainer, and my trainee, the 3 generations after we had to work, and it was raining sooo hard!!! so windy and so much rain!!! it was crazy!!! but always when it rains we always see miracles, we were able to find 3 news, that day, which was awesome!!
Friday: another day of rain and wind, it was like 2 whole days non stop.. crazy... we did an intercambio, i was with elder lighthall from california... we contacted, fund 2 news for them, then we went to a ward activity..
Saturday: nothing realy interesting happened, but it wasnt rainy the whole day which was awesome!
Sunday: so todays the day we saw snow, it was sooo coold that morning!! then we went to church, i spoke again, im getting better at it, not really nervous anymore, which is nice.,. and for all those fathers out there HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! especially to my awesome dad!
well thats basically our week, it was good, were working on our coldness, but were getting there.. so its all good..

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