Okay just a little Heads up, I will not be writing next monday, theres a huge holiday this next Sunday, so saturday sunday and monday we will be doing stuff, so i will be writing next tuesday!
Also, I have a Bunch of Pics to Send, so there will be an overload, but i will not send all, only the best ones!
Then Also, i dont have unlimited time to write anymore, our president came out and clarified the rule, then we can have only one hour, so im gonna try to write much faster again!
And this week Was CRRAAZZYYYY!!!!
So heres my Week:
Monday: So We had a good lesson with our investigators, Sofia and Fidel, Who were Planned to be baptized on Saturday. We watched the Joseph Smith Movie, Then that night we made No Bake Cookies (or tried to make) for district meeting the next day. They turned out pretty Good Actually..
Tuesday: District Meeting, and Everyone loved our no bake cookies, which is really good! haha we went to one of our old investigators house and they werent home, so we left, and their dog followed us all the way home, and tried to go inside our house, but we didnt let it.. then it just left and we dont know what happened to it. we went to a chinese store to buy a tie for our investigator, and while there we found some pretty cool stuff, other ties, so we bought some for ourselves aswell. I have those pics in another Email also.
Wednesday: So im gonna clarify before i tell this story, The week of a baptism, is always the crazies week, everything that can ever go wrong, goes wrong the week of a baptism, its just how it happens.. okay so today, we were having a good day and all, then we had to run to the store to buy something for a zone breakfast party the next morning before zone conference. We took a Collectivo(like a taxi) to the store, and we got out annd went into the store, i felt my pockets and i realized our keys were gone... our keys for our house and the church... and it was at night so we didnt really have much time to track them down. we assumed the keys fell out of my pocket while in the collectivo. so we bought our stuff and ran home, we climbed our fence, which was hard because there are spikes on top. we were planning on breaking a window to get in, and then our neighbors came out and said they know who our dueña is(the person who owns the house) and that she should have a copy of the keys. so we climbed our fence again and went to her house, luckily she was thee and gave up a copy of the keys. so we were able to get in the house, even though we got n a bit late. But we still didnt have our keys, which caused a problem cause we didnt know how we were going to get into the church on saturday to fill the font.
Thursday: Zone Conference, Was a really Good breakfast, and a good conference! haha i also ended up doing my Return and Report Training with president after the conference. afterwards we did an intercambio so we can do the baptsmal interview, and sofia passed, and fidel, we had to see because he was going to go away and work for awhile, and might not be able to go to church that much. so tht night we had to call the assistants and see what we can do. they said they have to talk to president, so they will call us back friday.
Friday: we finished the intercambio, and we called the assistants, Fidel i s good to be baptized!! so we are going to have a baptism on saturday! We went to quidico again, for one of our investigators. then this night we went to our investugators house to fill out the baptismal papers, and we talked about the baptism, me and my comp are going to be baptizing them. Also Soledad(the mom of the family, inactive for like 20 years) posted on facebook that someone lost their keys, cause i told her and she said she will help us find them. so friday she had them and gave them back to us! so we were so grateful! We had everything set for the Baptism now.
Saturday: We had the Baptism!! WOOHOO!!! Fidel was so happy, he was smiliong and giving us hugs and everything! we visited them that night and gave them presents, things theyve been asking for like a bible, a hymn book, and whatever. then this night we were waiting to hear our transfers. we were getting anxious and wondering why they werent calling, but we waited until right before we went to bed to call and ask them. they said theyve called us like a thousand times cause our phone is super bad.. and our transfers are... im saying in cañete! with my same comp! and we will be getting 2 more missionaries in our branch with us! so were happy about that.
Sunday: We had our confirmations which were super cool! and me and my comp had to speak in church, we had to speak on missionary work, the same as last tie, so our branch president said we can speak on whatever we want! so i spoke about the book of mormon and related it to the missionary work. i guess our talks were pretty good, even though we had like no time to prepare, but wlcome to the mission! haha. Then last night it started to rain again, it hasnt rained in forever and then rained again, which is really lame.
Well thats my Crazy Week! it was kinda long, but there ya go!