So heads up, my email might be a bit short, the keyboard i have is driving me nutz, cause its terrible, some of the keys stick and are falling off.. so its gonna be a bit difficult..
but heres my week!
Tuesday: i bought a little book i could use for my vopcab words im learning. we were contacting, and the same drunk guy i had to talk to in church during my training, came and found us on the street. he told us to go to his house, so we followed him, he wouldnt let us say no. after being with him we think he might have a bit of a mental disability, and be drunk, we dont know... but he gave us a tour of his house forever, cause he wouldnt let us leave. after that we walked around then decided to go home and clean the house for the new elders..then that night we got the new elders, one is elder Gomez from colombia, and the other is Elder Payne, From Logan Utah, hes just starting his training. hes pretty cool..
Wednesday: I did an intercambio with Elder Gomez so he can get to know the Area. we were contacting on a hill, and we were walking down the hill and islipped and fell, cause there was mud!! haha, so my pants and my sweater(which went through), and my white shirt were all muddy. was pretty lame...
Thursday: we had our zone meeting, we now have 16 missionaries in our zone.. we had a good lunch, its spaghetti with eggs o top, its a little weird, but i like it a lot. we found some people to visit from the carpeta. we visited some of myrecent converts. was a goodday.
Friday: this is the say we can start giving juice(chilean saying, means like mess around, waste time). we had a ward activity, which was awesome, we ate a bunch of empanadas. and celebratred chile stuff... we played all sorts of games, it was lots of fun.
Saturday: Was our first free day. we played soccer in the morning for like 3 hours, lots of fun!! i then ate lunch and went to take a nap! i slept for like 3 hours!! it was nice!!!! then we wokeupandit was 6 oclock. and we arent allowed to leave the house on those days after 6 cause its dangerous... so we had to stay in for the rest of the night.. and my comp was being annoying on nthe top bunk, and so i was messing with himon the bottom bunk, and the bunk fell!! his mattress fell on me!! haha, so theres pics of that!!
Sunday: the big day inchile!! we went to church, there was a huge parade going on! haha, we had a hugew lunch with lots of meat!! it was so good! we came home and took a nap again! just like old times, a nap after chuyrch! then we studied the rest of the night which was good!
Monday: We had a barbecue with a member, and played a bunvh of games, i have some pics of that, i also took a lot of pics with animals, so theres that... haha... we were doing tricks on the trampoline, and all the other missionaries thought i was so cool!! haha, then this nightmy comp needed to cut his hair, and all the places were closed for the holidays... and we had haircut stuff in the house, so i told him ill try, and it actually turned outgood! he likes it! so i feel pretty good!! the first time i cut hair, was a success!! so ill send pics of that too!!
Then today, we had district meeting, then lunch, then came to weite, nothing too special.. but thats that.. was a really good week!!

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