This morning we were in a town called Arauco, we had a multizone activity, we went to the beach and ate. it was actually kind of lame cause it was like 2 hours away on our pday...
But heres my week!
Tuesday: We had district meeting and me and my comp were assigned to teach it! it went really well! my district leader came up to me and told me i should train next transfer, and that im ready, but im still young to train in my mission, so we will see how it goes!
Wednesday: i was studying in the morning, i prayed for a scripture on how i can be less lazy and be more determined and excited to go out and work. i flipped open and saw the scripture Mosiah 3:19 marked, and that i took as my answer which was really cool! we had done another intercambio(divisions in english?) and i was with Elder Sterri again, the one whos newer than me, i had to teach basically the whole lesson by myself, and it was okay, so i was pretty proud! we also had to contact a lot tha day, which i have been blessed and have not had to contact a lot in my mission. haha
Thursday: We ended our intercambio, and we were driving back in a micro(like a small bus) and it was packed with people, so many people, we ended up missing our stop, but it wasnt terrible, we just had to walk a tiny bit further. we had a family home evening this night with our best investigators right now, it was good. then that night we had to call the assistants to see if we could get our investigators baptized a week early.. they said they neeed to talk to president, and would call us the next day, so we were praying super hard. and they were gonna tell us the next day.
Friday: we never got a call from the assistants, so we were going crazy.. we were going around hanging up flyers my comp made, and we saw smoke in the sky.. and heard an alarm of a house fire. so we went to go check it out. we got there and saw that one of the members houses is on fire. the firemen came and put it out, but it was still crazy, and the house is in terrible condition, not livible anymore. my comp took pictures, so ill try to have him send them to me. but its really sad...
Saturday: in the morning i studied the talk the 4th missionary, and it was awesome, its about the different qualities of missionaries, and its awesome! we called the assistants to see if they can be baptized, and they said YES!! so we will be having a baptism this saturday at noon. we worked a lot with the burnt house, going through all he rubble and seeing if anything survived, its really sad. and we made invitations to send out to the ward at church.
Sunday: in the morning we were waiting outside for our investigators, because they NEEDED to come to church to be able to be baptized. and they finally showed up, but a little late. we were getting worried, we thought they werent going to show up for awhile. the family whose house burned down got up and bore their testimonies, and they were so powerful, they are so humble. our investigators ended up staying for more hours of church, which was cool, normally they dont, and the youngest wanted to stay for the third cause it was fun(which was funny cause her first time she said it was boring).
Well that was my busy fast week!! it was good, and were excited for this one to come, we have a baptism and that night we will hear our transfers, so its gonna be exciting!

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