so here we are, starting a new year. im starting my full year in the mission.. WOOHOO!!
But we had a pretty exciting week!
Tuesday: we did an intercambio white wash, and i was with Elder Noyce, from utah, and we were in vilcun again, and hes a good friend of mine, so it was a really fun intercambio.
Wednesday: was REALLY HOT! we didnt have a lunch, the hermna forgot, so we had to go buy lunch, and it was the end of the month, and we still had a bit of money, so we went to eat at jacks! and it was pretty good again, its the closest we can get to american food here.. then in the afternoon we worked and found some of our old investigators and news, but nothing way special.
Thursday: EVEN HOTTER!! we were dieing of heat this week... but on the bright side we went to a members house to eat, and they made us burritos, which was good, its been awhile since ive had burritos, and they kept wanting me to show them how to fold a burrito, cause i worked at tacoball and am a pro at it now! haha. then we had to go to lautaro so my companion could do a baptism interview... then that night we went to our investigatyors house, and they made us sopaipillas, which were pretty good..
Friday: we had to clean the house, profundly.. so we did that, and now it looks way good. we got rid of a bunch of stuff, and organized and cleaned everything!! but nothing else really exciting happened.
Saturday: was a bit rainy.. we did a service and cleaned the house of a man that only has one leg.. then we went to reinaldos house, then we got to come home early, our president made a rule that we had to be home early cause of the new years parties. so we came home and took a nap, then woke up to set goals and watch the fireworks take off.. and then there we go, started a new year.. 2017!!!
Sunday: Happy New Years!! we went to church, not a lot of people showed up, we had a small ward that day... and to make it better, we didnt have lunch again... so we tried to make something in the house, but we didnt have much food... but its okay we survived!!
Today: so, we walked around the city a bit trying to find an open place, and basically everything is closed. but we went to the mall and ate lunch there. then on our way to come write we ran into a guy from london, so he was talking to us in the street in his weird accent, and told us his whole life story so that was cool! haha
well another good week as normal, and hope you all have a good 2017!

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