but the title, yes it was my birthday week for thos who didnt know... and by fire, some of you may heard, theres been a bunch of fires here in chile in my mission, not in my area, so imm all good and safe..
But like i said i dont have a lot of time, so ill just talk about my birthday,
so we started that day with church, we didnt have any investigators come, and guess what... i had to give a talk, the bishop told us right before that i need to prepare a talk just in case... so i had barely any time to plan, it was probably the worst talk ive ever given... i was pretty nervous.. ut i got up there shared scriptures about missionary work. and then i also told the bishop(from the stand) that was a good bday present. so of course after everyone was wishing me happy birthday... Then to get thrown under the bus again, the bishop asked us to teach gospel principles, so of course we did it... then after church we had lunch with the bishop, they gave me a cake which was nice of them. then after lunch we were walking by the church when a man yelled hey from the other side of the street. he came over and sterted to speak with us in english. said he was elder white. he served there llike 42 years earlier, in all of temuco, which is 2 stakes now... how crazy!!! then we stopped by the church and we were able to stand in the circle to give reinaldo the melchezidek priesthood, which was a realy cool experience! then that night an hermana that loves missionaries decided to give us once(which is like a late dinner/dessert thing) where we ate even more cake...
so all in all, id say it was a great birthday, so thanks for all the birthday wishes!!
oh and something else real fast!!! on wednesday, we had a misisonary conference, with all the misionaries in the whole world, and they changed the misisonary schedule, so we will see how it is this week in our mission, and ill let you guys know next week!
But its been a fun/hot/scorching week!! haha pray for colder weather in chile! haha

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