My week:
Tuesday: nothing way too interesting hapened.. we got to go out and work with our bishop, which was nice cause he knows a lot of inactives that we passed by for. so that helped us a bit. and then that night the zone leaders got home from the office and they had letters for me, so that was nice...
Wednesday: we did a little service in the morning for an hermana, shje gave us breakfast and lunch, but we decided its a lot of service so were gonna fininsh it as a zone on saturday. we contacted a bit.
Thursday: i did another intercambio, this time with elder Rodrigues, he is from brazil, but looks gringo.. it was pretty cool, hes going to finish the same time i do... then we also ended up contacting a bit... but didnt have much luck, itsd hard to contact in the city cause the people are all so rude..
Friday: we had zone conference, or zone meeting. and the elders form lautaro brought me clothes i ordered form an hermana in there sector. i bought a jacket of chile, which i will send pics of, its really cool... we also got a reference named constanza, she has a cool story, ill share it one day. but she was living in a sector in our zone, then moved, then moved again into my sector, ans shes way cool, and really wants to get baptized, shes 19. so she can get baptized in the end of this month. so i hope im still here for that, we will be having transfers this next week, so we will see what happens...
Saturday: Rainy.. this whole week has actually been pretty rainy, which i dont mind now, at least in the summer it cools it off a bit...we had the service with the hermana as a zone, and she was so happy, and luckily we got it all done before it started raining too hard... we went homw to change, and while my companion was in the shower i decided to do a kneeling prayer, outloud.. i havent done it in awhile, so i thought id do it.. it was really nice, i recommend it to all of oyu.. actually i challenge all of you to do it. its a great way to feel the love of god and just to let him know all that is going on..
but anyways we started fasting aswell which was good, we fasted for good things.
Sunday: we had church, we had one investigator come, his name is christian, we technically arent allowed to teach him yet, cause the bishop wants to interview him first and other stuff.. so we will see where that goes. after church we had ward council, and it was cool, they showed us some videos that were in portugese, and i could understand a but of what they were saying, just with a really tihnk accent. then after that we went to break our fast, i wasnt way hungry actually.. then last night it started raining way hard, but we were inside so it was cool!
Today: we had our zone activity this morning, we ate pizza and played a bunch of games..
but yeah, thats my week! hope you all had a good week and a good coming week!
Love and miss you all!

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